Posts in life
4 ways to be boots on the ground when you can’t be on the front lines of a protest

Some days it may feel like you are living in a world on fire. You see it everyday, protests in the streets, the impact of quarantine at home, the pandemic around the world, civil unrest, conflicting information. You feel a call to show up, to help the world become a better place, to see the people you love thrive and no longer live in pain, hurt and fear. You believe in equality, justice, unconditional love and rights for all.

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5 ways to be an enlightened warrior for social change

With everything we are experiencing as a society, you feel a call to action. You feel that you cannot just sit back and be silent. You cannot be just a witness. You feel a need, a desire, a calling to create change. And yet, consciously being mindful of COVID and not wanting to be a carrier, and feeling responsible for infecting people or making the pandemic worse. You feel the tension, an inner conflict between what you want to do and being able to do it. You are aware of your limitations whether that is due to illness, disability or mental health. This feels like an excuse, an obstacle you are unwilling to accept.

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Emotional Survival Guide for Covid 19

Covid 19 is disrupting our norm, causing panic, creating change and bringing awareness. For many, dealing with covid 19 is like grieving. We move through Kubler Ross's 5 stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Furthermore, Covid 19 has also spurred a fear response, as we rush to the stores to stockpile supplies in the face of our own mortality. Whether you are navigating covid with a grief response, fear response or from an emotional place there are things you can tend to your emotions and live from a place of calm.

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Committing to you

Self-care has become just another thing to check off our to-do lists. Because we have lost the soul in self-care. We have forgotten the purpose of why we participate in acts of self-love. We are learning to love ourselves. If we are not at our best, we cannot do our best work, support those we love or thrive. We sell ourselves and the world short when we neglect to tend to ourselves. 

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Dealing with trauma: Yours and someone else's

We all handle pain, trauma, loss and tragedy differently.  Some of us are profoundly affected.  Moved beyond words.  Some of us, stuff away, pretend that life is the same.  Some of us are moved to outrage, yelling and fighting for social changes, and some become defensive against those who disagree with our ideas of what will make the world a better place.

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