My credentials:
MA: Masters of Counseling from Regis University
LPC: Licensed Professional Counselor, Colorado
Approved telehealth provider State of Florida
SEP: Somatic Experiencing Practioner
Post Graduate Certificates: Thanatology, Transpersonal Counseling, Child and Adolescent Counseling
RYT: Registered Yoga Teacher 500 hours, trauma focused
(please check back, as I am an avid learner)
Current trainings:
Integral Somatic Psychology
ADHD Across the Life Span
Sexual Trauma Somatic lens
Generational and Historical Trauma
Continuing Education:
Smart but Scattered Adults: Manage ADHD by Targeting Executive Skills (Digital Seminar)
Certificate in Somatic Strategies
Working with the Pain of Abandonment
Somatic abolitionism
Internal Family Systems
Palestinian Liberation: Lessons in Solidarity for Mental Health Providers
Understanding Mixed Race Identity Development
RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher) 500
Dharma of Trauma
Certified Grief Counseling Specialist
Racial Trauma: Assessment and Treatment Techniques for Trauma Rooted in Racism
Approved CCE (Center for Credentialing and Education) Clinical Supervisor Training
Registered Yoga Teacher 200 hours emphasis in trauma
Racial Injustice and Trauma
Cultural Somatics
101 Racialed Trauma Course
Tending to Racial Trauma During Crisis
Racism, Family Secrets and the African American Experience
Dr. Bessel van der Kolk on How the Body Keeps the Score: Intensive Trauma Treatment Course
Repairing Attachment Trauma: Advanced Approaches for Deep Healing and Post-Traumatic Growth
Neuroscience & Yoga in the Treatment of Trauma: Mind/Body Interventions for Attachment, Mood, & Self-Regulation
Effective Approaches for the Treatment of Disordered Eating
Shame and Abandonment
Telehealth Ethics
Brain Switch: Apply Polyvagal and Memory Reconsolidation Theories with Parts Work, Somatic and Mindful Approaches
Working with Somatic Components to Overcome Trauma-Related Fears of Feeling Good
Internal Family Systems Therapy: Step by Step Procedures for Healing Traumatic Wounds and Alleviating Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, Addiction and More
Grief Walking
The Science of Well Being
Yoga Nidra
Yin Yoga
Restorative Yoga
Reiki master training with an Ifa priestess
Applied Shamanism
Post Graduate School Certificates:
Post Graduate Certificate in Thanatology (biological, sociological and psychological processes of dying, death and grief) from Hood College
Somatic Experiencing Practioner
Graduate School:
Masters of Counseling Regis University
Certificate in Adolescent and Child Therapy from Regis Univesity
Certificate in Depth Therapy (Transpersonal Psychology) from Regis University: exploring spiritual, mythology, folklore, dreams, shadow work in therapy
Akashic Record Reading
Pre Graduate school:
Bachelor’s of Arts in Psychology University of Colorado Denver