The Grief Box (an activity for grief)

A sacred space for your grief

Over the years I have had many grief boxes. Some contents became parts of journals and scrapbooks. Some fuel for a fire or buried in the Earth. Some are nicely framed or put on a shelf. Some contents are given away to a loved one or stranger. 

Your grief box can be digital, physical, or both. For years, I had a tin that reminded me of trays we had as children. I would stick pictures and notes, and little trinkets in this box. On my computer, I have a folder, for pictures I’ve snapped or things I’ve written.  

Your box can be as elaborate or plain as you want. You can buy a box or decorate a box. 

Put whatever reminds you of grief in this box. A picture, a trinket, a quote, a poem, a story, anything can go in your grief box. 

Set aside time to periodically go through the box. Pick an item in your box that calls to you. Spend time with it. What does need? How can you honor it? It is ready to be moved on? Do items need to be buried? Burned? Given away? Honored (like framing a picture, writing its story, posting online, setting someplace)? Or does it just stay in the box?