Crisis guide for HSP, Empaths and Starseeds
Many HSP (highly sensitive person), empaths and starseeds experience anxiety and depression. This can be heightened during stressful times, like natural disasters and currently the covid 19 pandemic. HSP, empaths and starseeds experience pain from others’ pain and trauma. Often times not knowing what is theirs or someone else’s. This feeds the anxiety and depression. They often feel burdened, heavy, and hopeless. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Each, HPS, empath and starseed is a beautiful gift to humanity and our planet.
First let me clarify what is a HSP, empath and starseed? (you can be more than one)
What is a highly sensitive person
You often feel that you feel too much or too deeply. Your nervous system is biologically wired to react to subtleties in your environment.
Sensitive to smells and light.
Can have physical reactions to emotional or environmental stimulus.
Have a tendency to take things personally and often worry about what others think or feel. This includes a fear of rejection creating hypersensitivity in relationships.
Struggle to process anything perceived have negative: the news, violence in movies, criticism towards you.
You often hid your emotions.
Feel uncomfortable to group situations.
Due to intense feelings, you can come across as cold or aloof.
What is a empath
You have the ability to know another person’s emotional or mental state. This includes animals, plants and the environment you are in.
Feel the emotions and feelings of others (including animals, people, places and the collective consciousness).
You pick up on the energy of the environment that you are in.
Feel what others feel, oftentimes before they do.
Others might feel uncomfortable around you because they sense you know something about them.
Public places can feel overwhelming.
You try to people please because you can feel their pain even when they try to mask it.
You struggle with depression and anxiety.
You often feel nervous or anxious, even depressed for no reason.
You avoid certain places or people because of how the energy feels.
What is a starseed
You have lived life in other galaxies and universes. This may or may not be your first lifetime on earth. You are here to guide and assist mankind.
You are wise beyond your years.
You are an old soul.
You have had psychic or paranormal experiences.
You feel that you have a purpose.
You feel limited by your body.
You are an empath.
You have the ability to make those around you feel better.
You are ever curious and love learning but can become bored with school.
You are drawn to spiritualism.
What to do
Photo by Jamez Picard on Unsplash
Set clear loving boundaries
Boundaries let people know where they stand with you. When setting a boundary, say what you mean. Be direct. Be loving. Be honest with yourself. Don’t say yes, when you want to say no. You don’t owe people an explanation for why you say no. This may be one of the hardest lessons for an empath. Because you feel what they feel. Remember you do not own their feelings. When you set boundaries you are teaching others to care for themselves.
Photo by Aditya Wardhana on Unsplash
Cutting cords or separating energies
Are you familiar with cutting cords? It's a great way to clear the energy between people, places and things. Cutting cords is clearing energy connections between you and someone else. Every person we encounter we exchange energy with. And these strings or tentacles stick to us. The deeper the relationships the more cords. These energy connections can mess with an empath’s and starseeds filters. Causing confusion, anxiety and depression. Because, as a highly sensitive person, you are picking up other people’s stuff and confusing it your own.
Don’t worry or feel bad when cutting the cords. Yes, you are discontinuing the energy flow between you and someone else. This is healthy and vital to your well being. The cords will come back the next contact you have with the person. Too many cords between people can cause confusion and misread feelings. Cutting cords helps to keep communication channels open. Before we cut cords we might feel as if we are looking into mud trying to see the bottom. When we cut cords we have a clear view to the bottom, we can see and understand everything in the water.
I sometimes feel that cutting the cords feels a bit drastic. So, for me I started to visual tentacles coming from me and another person. All different shapes, sizes, and colors. Instead of cutting the chords I will release the tentacles.
Method 1:
This method is often gentler and a great practice to incorporate in your daily life. This is great for our daily interactions with others regardless of how big or small. We are constantly exchanging energy with others, whether we realize it or not.
At the end of each day, you are calling back all pieces and parts of yourself and returning all that isn’t yours.
Method 2:
Another gentle method and good for the relationships we are in.
Find a comfortable place to sit or lay down.
Visualize the person who you would like to release energetic connections with.
Visualize octopus tentacles between the two of you. Notice the color and location of the cords, this can provide you insight as to where you and the other person connect and exchange energy. Color can also indicate the type of energy being exchanged. Pull back your tentacles and send theirs back to them.
Method 3:
Great for the end of relationships and those relationships close to us. Cords will grow back in ongoing relationships.
Find a comfortable place to sit or lay down.
Visualize the person you wish to cut cords with. Notice the color, thickness and location of the cords, this can provide you insight as to where you and the other person connect and exchange energy. Color can also indicate the type of energy being exchanged. Also notice the direction the energy is flowing is it one way or two?
Imagine a giant pair of scissors cutting the cords.
This may have to be done more than once or periodically, depending on the relationship.
Set your intentions
Start your day with how you want to feel. What do you desire out of the day. Remind yourself of your daily intention. This can help keep you grounded and in the space of creating your reality. As well as, provide awareness to what you are experiencing and when you are out of alignment with your intentions.
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash
Body scan and grounding
Body Scan (Click here for the guided meditation)
Get comfortable. Take a few deep breaths. Placing one hand on your chest and other on your stomach. Notice how your body connects to the surface you are lying or sitting on. Notice how your clothing feels against your skin. Focus on the sensations for the air entering and leaving your body. Feel the expanse and collapse of your body. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Breathing in for four counts, hold for four, out for six and hold for 4. You can play around with the amount of seconds you breath in, out and hold, making sure the out breath is the longest. This naturally calms and resets your body’s natural rhythms. Start with your feet, notice how they feel, if they holding any tension, if so send your breath to this part of your body. Continue doing this as you move up your body: calves, thighs, abdomen, chest, shoulders, arms, neck and head. You can also squeeze each muscle group holding for at least 5 seconds and then releasing, after you release notice any tension still being held in that body part.
Take a moment to feel your feet/butt connected to the floor, chair or surface you are sitting or laying on. Really feel the weight of your body, the sensations of how the floor, socks, shoes or clothing feels on your body.
Photo by Keegan Houser on Unsplash
Grounding (Click here for the guided meditation)
Place a hand on your heart and one on your stomach, breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. On each breath feel the air moving into your body, filling your lungs and out of your body. Breath in for four counts, hold four counts, out four counts and hold six counts. You can change the counts to what works best for you, keeping the out breath longer, as it naturally relaxes your body.
Again notice your body’s weight on the surface it connects with.
Imagine a cord from your pelvis reaching down into the ground, through the dirt, aquifer, rock, into the center of the earth. Allow this cord to connect you to the Earth.
If you desire, release everything that no longer serves you consciously or unconsciously, to drain into the Earth. Thanking her and helping her to recycling this into positive energy. Disconnect your current cord and connect another cord. This time allow Earth’s energy to flow up the cord and fill your body.
Go outside and stand barefoot with your feet connecting to the earth. Lay on the ground. Sit under a tree. Nature is a wonderful way to ground.
Photo by Luz Mendoza on Unsplash
Create nurturing rituals
You know you best. What fills you up? Ask yourself daily, what do I need? What will help me feel whole, connected, at ease? Take time daily to honor your needs. Make time for you. Follow your intuition. Allow yourself to play and be curious. Your nurturing rituals is a scared place free of judgment, a place that you tend to you.
Take time to tend to yourself. Check in and take time to reflect, release and refill. Your gifts are needed. Let your light shine!